Misuari did not declare independence

Interior and Local Government Secretary Manuel Roxas II on Tuesday denied reports that Moro National Liberation Front Chairman Nur Misuari has declared independence during recent MNLF gatherings in Mindanao.

Roxas said that the government is monitoring the recent activities of Misuari and MNLF and there was not a time when the MNLF leader declared independence.”I don’t think he did that...he did not say that he’s declaring (independence)...we have recording, he did not say that,” said Roxas.

Misuari during the past weeks held separate meetings with MNLF leaders and supporters in Zamboanga and Sulu, triggering talks that his group is severing ties with the national government.

Roxas, however, said that Misuari criticized the ongoing negotiations between the administration of President Benigno Simeo Aquino III and the Moro Islamic Liberation (MILF) but did not declare independence.

”We followed the announcement...and there was no time that he mentioned declaration of independence or separation. He criticized the peace talks, he cited the difference of the Bangsamoro process with the MILF and the ARMM (Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao) of the MNLF. But there was no declaration of independence,” said Roxas.
The MNLF, then led by Misuari as chairman, signed a final peace agreement with the Philippine government in 1996 then under the administration of President Fidel Ramos. Misuari also served as the first governor of ARMM as a result of the peace pact.

Presently, the Aquino administration is talking peace with the MILF under the leadership of Al Haj Murad Ebrahim. In fact, the negotiations are now on the final stages following the signing last year of the Framework Agreement on Bangsamoro (FAB) in Malacanang.


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