Philippine Coast Guard vows help to indicted personnel

The Philippine Coast Guard (PCG) said it was not surprised on the result of the probe by the National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) on the death of a Taiwanese fisherman, saying its personnel will not be cowed in the performance of their duties.

“We should take this as an opportunity to grow as an organization and bond together and probably learn from the lessons brought about by the situation,” said PCG spokesperson Commander Armand Balilo.
The PCG broke its silence on the NBI recommendation to indict eight of the 15 personnel involved in the shooting of Taiwanese fisherman Hung Shih-Cheng in Balintang Channel last May.

They are Commanding Officer Arnold de la Cruz, Petty Officer 2 Richard Fernandez Corpuz, Seaman 2nd Class Nicky Reynold Aurello, and Seamen 1st Class Edrando Quiapo Aguila, Mhelvin Bendo, Andy Gibb Ronario Golfo, Sunny Galang Masangcay, and Henry Baco Solomon.

De la Cruz and Bendo are facing charges of obstruction of justice, along with SN1 Marvin Ramirez and LTJG Martin Bernabe, for allegedly submitting tampered evidence to the NBI.

Balilo said they would be placed under preventive custody of the PCG while those cleared by NBI would report for work.

“The PCG supports the NBI findings and would allow due process to take its natural course,” he said.
He said the PCG is not turning its back on its personnel as its junior officers have initiated fund raising activities to provide them legal assistance aside from moral and spiritual support.

“We have lawyers willing to volunteer their services in their defense,” Balilo said.
The indictment of eight PCG personnel, however, has created a chilling effect on members of the organization.

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